Release Notes for the FSD Beta Version 11.4 (2023.6.15)

Full Self-Driving should only be used sparingly because it is still in early, limited access Beta. You must always maintain control of the vehicle and pay careful attention to the road because it could act inappropriately at the worst possible time. Keep against getting comfortable. Your vehicle will change lanes off the highway, choose forks to follow your chosen path, navigate around other cars and obstacles, and take left and right turns once Full Self-Driving is activated. Utilise Full Self-Driving in Restricted Beta only if you’ll stay alert to the road at all times and be ready to react quickly, especially while approaching blind corners, crossing junctions, and in congested areas.

Beta Version for Full Self Driving

Your car is powered by Tesla Vision! Notably, follow distance is restricted to 2–7 feet, and the top speed of the Autopilot is 85 mph in Tesla Vision.

FSD Beta v11.4

By analysing many potential outcomes in the shared environment of ego’s activities and the pedestrian’s response, the choice to assert or yielding for walkers at more crosswalks was improved.

Enhanced ego’s behaviour near VRUs by calculating the likelihood that their paths will cross ego’s depending on their kinematics data and preemptively braking when the risk is thought to be high.

Better turn performance in crowded, unstructured urban areas. Turning while the turn lane is obstructed by parked vehicles and preventing turning onto bus lanes are two examples of better scenarios.

A better lane guidance module that feeds “hints” into the network about the lanes ego should be in to get to its destination over a long distance. Furthermore, the per-lane routing kind autolabeler has been greatly enhanced. Together, these adjustments solved 64% of interventions resulting from poor routing types.

By retraining the networks on the same dataset using the most recent iteration of our “lane guidance” component and using a similar characteristics area to predict line, road edge, and restricted space, we have improved the geometric consistency of lane, line, road edge, and restricted space detections.

A 33% decrease in overall lane-changing estimation error was achieved by increasing recall for part cut-ins by 39% and accuracy for incorrect cut-ins brought on by lane changes into neighbouring lanes by 66%. This was achieved by adding another 80k clips to our auto-labeled fleet dataset, enhancing the auto-labeling algorithm’s precision, and adjusting the placement of training supervision.

A better grasp of when to use as well as when to avoid bus lanes thanks to an updated lane type identification network and enhanced map-vision fusion.

Better consideration of approaching navigation deadlines, necessary back-to-back lane changes, and the existence of a vehicle behind the driver resulted in enhanced control of speed during lane changes.

Added an additional Vision Speed network to deduce the average speed of traffic on a certain road. In places like car parks and residential roads, this is used to cap the top speed allowed.

Reduced the risk of hydroplaning by adjusting the maximum permitted speed in Autopilot in accordance with the seriousness of the observed road conditions. In extreme circumstances, Autopilot can use the road’s wettiness, tyre spray from other automobiles, the intensity of the rain, tyre wear estimation, or other risk variables to notify the driver and slow down the vehicle.

Improved detection and handling of long-range path blockages on city roadways. Due to impending road obstacles, Ego is going to be allowed to shift lanes.

Upgraded compiler to clang-16 enhanced developer efficiency with enhanced code diagnostic and C+ +20 features. The photon-to-control vehicle reaction time was also reduced by 2% as a result.

FSD Beta Version 11.4


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